What is the difference between the product group PTU / PTF-5xx and PTU / PTF-6xx?


You often ask us about the differences between the PTU/PTF-5xx and PTU/ PTF-6xx products. Should the solutions mentioned above be used and when? We are in a hurry with the answer. :)

The PTU/PTF-6xx series deviceshave been designed using the latest circuit design and simulation technologies and modern high-quality components. They protect each conductor of the UTP/FTP cable individually, therefore they are used in the most demanding installations. They provide data transmission up to 1000Mb/s with the use of PoE supply. They are intended for installations based on category 6 and 6A cabling. (PTF-616R-EXT/PoE).

PTU/PTF-5xx series devices are solutions intended for CCTV, ensuring data transmission up to 100 Mb/s. They are designed so that lines 1-2,3-6 are responsible for communication, and connected lines 4-5 and 7-8 for PoE supply. They are intended for installations based on category 5 and 5E cabling. (PTF-516R-EXT/PoE).

However, it should be remembered that in both cases the basic criterion for selecting
a product group is not the type of cabling, but the required maximum data transmission capacity, i.e. 100Mb/s or 1000Mb/s.


We invite you to familiarize yourself with the products. :)