How to protect electronics during a thunderstorm?


Heavy rain and lightning are a particular threat to electronic devices. Most of us associate lightning and the damage caused by it with a direct lightning strike to the object. However, we very often forget about the equally important threat which is the electromagnetic pulse. The electromagnetic field induced in the cabling of our systems, even several hundred meters away from the place of the lightning strike, has a destructive effect on end devices.

Therefore, we must remember about appropriate protection of: alarm systems, CCTV (VSS) and LAN. Sensitive elements that we must protect with surge arresters in such cases are, among others: external alarm detectors, microwave barriers, external signaling devices (IDS surge arresters), cameras in monitoring systems (VSS surge arresters), as well as elements of our home LAN (Gigabit Ethernet surge arresters).

Therefore, we highly recommend our protective products, even before the first storms occur. We will be happy to help you choose the right solutions.


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